
Nona's room



Isn't this little box lovely? I came across this Limoges Box last month at Ginza Wako. A porcelain master, Patrick Audevard gave me a sign on the box. He told me that any message is fine, so I wrote him a little note. And he wrote my dream message in French. Thank you Patrick, hope this dream will come true!


This is my grand auntie Yoshiko's daughter, Mari Asakawa's homemade appetizer using whole fig, proscuitto & mozarella. She is a concert pianist, a graduate of The Julliard School. Check out her website

This is my recent favorite sweet's shop Sentaro's jello "Kawachijukushi". Using Kawachi Orange as a vessel, and the juice itself blended with strip agar, beet sugar, Yoshino Kuzu to make a jello.If you want to make a sherbet, just freeze it for 12 hours. Healthy and tasty Japanese sweets for Early summer!

This flower arrangement is a gift in return from a newly wed friend,Tomomi Miyata. She used to set my hair about for 10 years. Whenever I see her, she always welcomes me with a cute smile, and working very hard everyday to become a good beautician. Now she got married and left a beauty parlor for a while. Hope to find her own beauty world in her new home. Good Luck & Happy Wedding, Tomomi!

This photo was taken at Ginza Wako this afternoon. To your left is Patrick Audevard, a porcelain master from Limoges. To your right is a French translator. Patrick's atelier"Porcelain L'Ateller du Tullpier", Open Monday to Friday 8:30am to mid-day and 12:30 pm to 4pm. Shop in Saint Yrieix la Perche, rue de Marche.

リスペクトしている友人の一人です。生放送の情報番組で毎週ご一緒していましたが、今年に入って入院された事を知り、陰ながら応援していました。三回目の治療を乗り越えた事を聞き、ホッとしたのも束の間!送られてきたのが、この you-tube 映像でした。ご覧下さい!
This is Kaori Maruyama who struggled with cancer and got over chemotherapy three times this year. She is a TV director and I've met her through the live TV show in 2012. She is always full of energy and has a positive attitude. Although she was diagnosed with cancer, she welcomes me with a big smile whenever I visited her in the hospital. This you-tube that she made is for all the cancer patients out there struggling with anxiety. Don't be afraid, just get over with BIG SMILE!!

Today is my parent's Wedding Anniversary. I found out from my mother's diary. Also I came across this album few days ago when I was tidying up my room. She doesn't wear a wedding dress here, but this is one of my favorite pictures of my parents.

最近時間がある時は、母の日記を読み返し、パソコンでリライトしています。33歳から書き始めた「クリエーションノート」とタイトルされた雑記帳。まさか書き始めて8年後には、自分がこの世に存在しなくなるとは、思ってもいなかったと思います。母の1日は私の一週間分位だったのではないでしょうか? 2人の女の子を育てながら、毎週末のようにホームパーティーで料理を作りお客様をもてなし、ウイークデイは高校で英語を教え、翻訳や通訳の仕事をこなしていた母。太く短いけれど、華やかな生涯だった気がします。不思議と日記の最後の日付は亡くなる16日前、私の誕生日でした。
This is my mother, Kiyoe Tateno's  last picture taken at West Point, New York. She was 41, right before realizing that she was having cancer. Now I am reading her diary again and beginning to know her as a mother and as a woman. Her life was short, but she was blessed with two children, loved music and "Life"itself. Check out her translating book: "Keyboard Music"

このお顔に惹かれて試写会に行って来ました。この力強い眼差しは、どのようにして生まれたのでしょうか? 祖国を追われていること、亡命先のインド・ダラムサラに創設された難民の子供達を救う為の学校、「チベット子ども村」の存在も映画を通して初めて知りました。笑顔の子供達から教えてもらった「足るを知る」。生徒達はダライ・ラマ14世の教えと、彼のハッピーオーラを受け継ぎ、何事にも感謝する気持ちを常に持って生活しています。ビデオレターを通して、私達日本人の様々な質問にも答えてくれたダライ・ラマ14世。今年80歳を迎える法王が、祖国の地を力強く踏みしめる時が訪れますように。
I was really touched by this documentary film called"The 14th Dalai Lama "directed by Kazuyoshi Usui, and produced by Hiroshi Yoshida. In this film,his holiness is answering the questions from Japanese people chosen at random on a street corner.The first opportunity for them to create this film goes back to Dec, 1991. The photographer, Taikan Usui took pictures of Dalai Lama, and that took place in Dharamshala.The shooting time was about 4 hours. His holiness and Taikan Usui found the bonds in each other. And 16 years later, in 2007, Dalai Lama came to Japan. During his staying, Taikan took the photos ,and his son, Kazuyoshi Usui took a charge of video filming .This experience motivated Kazuyoshi to make a film of Dalai Lama. This film will be released this coming June at "Eurospace", Shibuya.

先月、03/24のブログにも書かせて頂いた滝下毅さんの弟、達(たつし)さんの初個展を覗いて来ました。Huskとは殻を表す言葉ですが電球を使い伝える彼のアート。使命を終えても美しい光の「抜け殻」に例え、器として新しい命を吹き込んだTASSI の世界。どこか懐かしくリラックス出来る空間でした。中にキャンドルを入れたり、お花を挿したり、フローティングキャンドルもいいですね。生活にHuskをひとつ、取り入れてみたくなりました。今週18(土)まで表参道の「ギャルリーワッツ」で開催中です。

This gentleman on your left is a new artist known as TASSI, Tatsushi Takishita. He is creating these arts using an electric bulbs and he name them"Husk". We use light bulbs every day, but after they burn out, we just throw them away. When I got in to the "Galerie wa2", these husks were reborn and welcomed me with the warmness and some nostalgia. You can choose your favorite husk,and use it as a candle glass, or flower vase. I wish I could enjoy some brandy or nice liqueur with "husk".
As you can see around his neck, the pale purple scarf is his late brother, Tsuyoshi Takishita 's. Maybe he is watching from heaven and wishing this exhibition will succeed.

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