Nona's room
2025/01/24 (Fri)
2015/03/24 (Tue)
声優・滝下毅さんの三回忌に寄せて〜Rest in Peace,a voice actor ,Tsuyoshi Takishita...
My colleague and the voice performer, Tsuyoshi Takishita passed away on Mar 10th, 2013. He was 37 years old then. I was shocked to hear the news and I also thought about his newlywed wife, Jun Shikano whom I've never met before. Every year when March arrives, I think of him,and his wife, and send her flowers with a card. Last year, I asked her to have an Afternoon Tea together. We had a precious time together talking and thinking about him. She sent me a beautiful card which the bird is written in front and sealed with a four-leaf clover. Hope this four-leaf clover will bring her a happiness as a woman again, and looking forward to seeing her on her birthday in June.