Nona's room
2025/01/24 (Fri)
2015/04/27 (Mon)
6月公開「ダライ・ラマ14世」の奇跡〜Do you know this man,"The 14th Dalai Lama"?
このお顔に惹かれて試写会に行って来ました。この力強い眼差しは、どのようにして生まれたのでしょうか? 祖国を追われていること、亡命先のインド・ダラムサラに創設された難民の子供達を救う為の学校、「チベット子ども村」の存在も映画を通して初めて知りました。笑顔の子供達から教えてもらった「足るを知る」。生徒達はダライ・ラマ14世の教えと、彼のハッピーオーラを受け継ぎ、何事にも感謝する気持ちを常に持って生活しています。ビデオレターを通して、私達日本人の様々な質問にも答えてくれたダライ・ラマ14世。今年80歳を迎える法王が、祖国の地を力強く踏みしめる時が訪れますように。
I was really touched by this documentary film called"The 14th Dalai Lama "directed by Kazuyoshi Usui, and produced by Hiroshi Yoshida. In this film,his holiness is answering the questions from Japanese people chosen at random on a street corner.The first opportunity for them to create this film goes back to Dec, 1991. The photographer, Taikan Usui took pictures of Dalai Lama, and that took place in Dharamshala.The shooting time was about 4 hours. His holiness and Taikan Usui found the bonds in each other. And 16 years later, in 2007, Dalai Lama came to Japan. During his staying, Taikan took the photos ,and his son, Kazuyoshi Usui took a charge of video filming .This experience motivated Kazuyoshi to make a film of Dalai Lama. This film will be released this coming June at "Eurospace", Shibuya.