
Nona's room



This shot was taken at "Namikibashi Nakamura". She is a chief cheff of this restaurant, Akiko Yamazaki. As her first name indicates, she always welcomes us with her beaming smile. Her beautiful handling of a kitchen knife and her fresh appearance is one and only.

La Costa - Single
La Costa - Single
価格: 200円 iTunesで見る
posted with sticky on 2017.9.29

This is my best favorite sweets by "Lilien Berg". This sweet shop opened in 1988 near Shinyurigaoka station where my aunt lives. Mr Haruo Yokomizo owns the shop and producing splendid sweets everyday. He is a pastry chef himself,and in every sweets box, there he puts his message card in the box saying "I made this sweets one by one with all my heart. I am proud that my work is useful for your special days."

La Costa - Single
La Costa - Single
価格: 200円 iTunesで見る
posted with sticky on 2017.9.21

He is Eric Arceneaux, a recording artist and the founder of the Arcenaux Approach. When I was looking for the good approach for the voice warmup, I came across this you tube video. Whenever I go to recording studios, I do these vocal warmups.It really works.

La Costa - Single
La Costa - Single
価格: 200円 iTunesで見る
posted with sticky on 2017.9.20

If you are free on Sunday afternoon from 13:55, please tune in Tokyo-FM"Renault Sunday voyage". We are driving around French towns and islands by Renault every Sunday afternoon. Just for about 3 minutes show,but I'm really happy that I can talk on the radio with these wonderful staff, Reo Masuyama, Keisuke Tanii, Kumi Hayashi, and the script writer who once was living in France, Momoko Matsuzaki.

La Costa - Single
La Costa - Single
価格: 200円 iTunesで見る
posted with sticky on 2017.9.11

8月に入って眠る前に読むようになった一冊です。1995年頃、NYのJAZZ DJ ロブ・クロッカーに勧められて買った一冊と記憶していますが、本棚の奥深くに眠っていました。ふと気になって読み始めたら、一気にはまりました。町で一番美しい女の人のお話?どんな話だろう?と思いつつ、その文体の読み易さに惹かれ一気に読みました。日本語でどう訳しているか気になる短編も、幾つかありました。物語の中で何度か登場する little girl が気になり、探ってみたらご自身そっくりのお嬢さんが1人いらっしゃるのですね。
I've been reading "The most beautiful woman in town & other stories"this month before I go to sleep. This book was recommended by Rob Crocker way back in 1995. Since then, this book was hidden in my bookshelf all these years. I happened to find this book when I was cleaning my study this summer. Very true to himself, it is like he is already with us and telling his stories by our side. Charles Bukowski was a German-American poet, novelist, and short story writer born in August 16. He loved Frech wine and Classical music, especially Mahler and Sibelius.

La Costa - Single
La Costa - Single
価格: 200円 iTunesで見る
posted with sticky on 2017.8.31

These free boxes are from my favorite shopping site,"MATCHESFASHION.COM & mytheresa.com". Whenever I buy my presents for friends and colleagues, I shop here. I used to buy my presents at department stores in Tokyo. They wrap them neatly with papers and ribbons, but they charge you box fees. What I like about mytheresa is they give you a free greeting card with your messages on. With matchefashion, they always put the card with her signature on who packed the present box with care.

La Costa - Single
La Costa - Single
価格: 200円 iTunesで見る
posted with sticky on 2017.8.27

This is Saeko Akatsuki's portrait. She was a member of the 9th Toei New Face. Her actress era was really short, 1962-1964.She got married soon after with Akito Mochizuki whom started a talent agency called Akasaka production.In 1969, then he became a starting member of Aoni Production which is a voice actor agency in Aoyama, Tokyo. He was one of my benefactors who taught me how to live through in this world of show business. After he passed away in August 2nd 2004, his wife Mrs Mochizuki kept in touch with me writing letters and sending us greetings every year. Just few days ago, I've found out that she also passed away this January 4th at the age of 73 by her son's letter. Thank you for your kindness through these years,rest in peace with your dearest husband...

La Costa - Single
La Costa - Single
価格: 200円 iTunesで見る
posted with sticky on 2017.8.6

We 've enjoyed listening to 4 universities (from Tokyo-East and Osaka-West area) glee club alumni concert. My father was singing on the stage this afternoon. I grew up surrounded by music. My dad playing jazz records, my mom listening to Classical music. Sometimes they sang together. Here he is singing with his mates,"Toumon Glee Club".

La Costa - Single
La Costa - Single
価格: 200円 iTunesで見る
posted with sticky on 2017.7.23

このブログにも何度か登場している、友人の直子さんにチケットをプレゼントして頂き、「NINAGAWA マクベス」を観に行って来ました。蜷川さんが亡くなって一年、何本かドキュメンタリー番組の特集を録画して観た事はありますが、舞台を観るのは今日が初めての経験でした。辻村ジュサブローの衣装と妹尾河童の舞台美術が美しく、陰影のある重厚な舞台。マクベスを演じた市村正親の凛々しく繊細な存在感も流石でしたが、一番印象に残ったのは田中裕子の演技と「声」の艶。舞台に生きる役者達の心意気を肌で感じたひとときでした。この後秋にはイギリスでも公演が予定されています。
Yukio Ninagawa, born in Saitama, Japan in 1935. He directed his first Greek tragedy"Medea" in Europe in 1983. His NINAGAWA Macbeth was staged in Edinburgh International Festival in 1985. His works had received various performance invitation since then. He also aimed to direct all the works of Shakespeare as the "Sai-no-kuni Shakespeare Series". He passed away on May 12, 2016 at the age of 80. His spirit will live in the memories and mind's eyes of everyone who has ever seen a Ninagawa production.

La Costa - Single
La Costa - Single
価格: 200円 iTunesで見る
posted with sticky on 2017.7.17

I was watching a minimalism special on TV, and started throwing away things like an old DVDs and books.When I was checking the sideboard in the living room, there were hundreds of old records, but no turntable to listen in the living room. So we've got this new one "audio-technica AT-PL300".  Very easy to handle, and it's a good buy. They have a black and white.

La Costa - Single
La Costa - Single
価格: 200円 iTunesで見る
posted with sticky on 2017.6.29
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