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My first experience watching Disney film was "Sleeping Beauty"with my father when I was about three. So my first ideal princess was "Aurora". Many years later in 2012, I happened to be a narrator for promoting Dlife programs. Time flies so fast, five years has already passed since then. If you want to see Disney Princesses, check out "Disney Princess Movies" on Dlife!

La Costa - Single
La Costa - Single
価格: 200円 iTunesで見る
posted with sticky on 2017.3.18

ラジオから流れてきた"Meet me in the sky"がきっかけで好きになった、キャンディス・スプリングス。再来日公演となったブルーノート東京公演に行ってきました。スリットが入ったシルバーのグリッタードレスを、サラッと着こなして登場したキャンディス。涼しげな目元とキュートな口元が印象的な、美しい歌姫でした。キーボードとピアノを演奏しながら、軽やかに歌う彼女。演目はスタンダードなジャズが多く、落ち着いた雰囲気の暖かいステージでした。
Kandace Springs, a 27 year-old,Nashville-based singer, songwriter and pianist was performing here in Tokyo from Mar 13th to Mar 15th.With Chris Gaskell on bass, and Dillon Treacy on drums. Her voice was like a Spring breeze, warm and bright & light. Her casual and relaxed mood changed the venue like a cafe in Music City, Nashville.

La Costa - Single
La Costa - Single
価格: 200円 iTunesで見る
posted with sticky on 2017.3.15

Really enjoyed reading"Career of evil"by Robert Galbraith(a pseudonym for J.K.Rowling). This book is the third in the series featuring private detective Comoran Strike and his assistant Robin Ellacott. British actor Holliday Grainger has been cast as Robin opposite Tom Burke's Cormoran Strike, in a major new TV series for BBC One. Hope to see this new drama series in near future!

La Costa - Single
La Costa - Single
価格: 200円 iTunesで見る
posted with sticky on 2017.3.15

Celebrating my dear fiend Yoko Murakami's BD at my house, and this was the appetizer for tonight. Her birthday is February 2nd, she and I are BBF since our school years. Yoko is a mother of two children, her elder daughter is going to be a new employee from this coming spring. Her younger son is going to have the university entrance exam next year. Me and Yoko have something in common which is "a love for the music". That keeps us close for all these years.

La Costa - Single
La Costa - Single
価格: 200円 iTunesで見る
posted with sticky on 2017.2.8

In Japan, there is a custom sending new year cards on January 1st until January 6th. But to do so, better finish sending them until December 25th. Usually, it is the busiest time of the year. So we've decided not sending New year cards. Instead of that,started to send Spring greeting cards from 2015. Today is the beginning of spring in the traditional Japanese calendar. Hope this year 2017 would be a fabulous year like flying birds riding on a spring breeze!

La Costa - Single
La Costa - Single
価格: 200円 iTunesで見る
posted with sticky on 2017.2.4


They are my dearest friends, Ayumi, Naoko, Chitose. Celebrating my birthday every year at good  restaurant. This year,t hey selected "Ponte Del Piatto" in Hiroo district. Dinner course was excellent, especially "Ovened scallop and smoked cheese with Jerusalem artichoke sauce and sauteed riz de veau"went well with a glass of Sauvighon Blanc. And "Roast Yamagata beef with port wine, Marsala and truffle sauce"went well with a glass of Pinot Noir.

La Costa - Single
La Costa - Single
価格: 200円 iTunesで見る
posted with sticky on 2017.1.21


These are my tresuary letters delivered from my frineds and colleagues in 2016. I do send e-mails and receive them everyday, but I also delete them almost everyday. But the letters and cards...they are different for me. I receive their hearts from the letters. Thank you for writing me long letters, Claire and Paula from New York.I am still keeping your letters and cards from the 90's.

La Costa - Single
La Costa - Single


価格: 200円 iTunesで見る

posted with sticky on 20176.01.13

毎週伺っている美容院のオーナー慎吾さんからはシクラメンの鉢など心のこもった沢山のプレゼントを。ラジオ番組をご一緒していた代理店の方々、制作会社の方々からも沢山の愛を頂きました。中でも番組を卒業した後も変わらず蘭の鉢を送って下さる平本さん。大好きなフルーツを送って下さった佳代さん、悠子さん。エフエムサウンズの優くん、貴文くん、拓麻くん、ジーンときました。天使のような笑顔でいつも癒してくれるDlifeの絵里加さん、心に残るひとときをありがとう。Dlifeの文高さん、ミキサーの克己さん、Baca the Baccaの智美さん。そして、ディズニーのお仕事を陰となり日向となり支えてくれるマネージャーの紀子さん、デスクの真紀ちゃん、ディズニーのスケジュールを毎回伝えてくれる脩子さん、旅チャンネルスケジュール担当のデスク、ゆかりさん、お心のこもった沢山の贈り物をありがとう。ミスターサンデーの局プロデューサー潤さん、MCの慶子さん、ディレクターの薫さん、デスクの有香里さん、忙しい中素敵なプレゼントをありがとうございます。10月に番組を卒業したディレクターの恵歩さんからもカードを頂き、嬉しかったです。そして母代わりの佐和子叔母、いつも見守っくれてありがとう。その他沢山の方々からお心遣いを頂き、年の終わりに感謝の思いでいっぱいです。
This is my favorite time of my year, but last month,my lower back got hurt and I almost did nothing except working. So I couldn't update my blog since November.But in total, it was a pretty good year. To tell you the truth, I was very far from my music. So hopefully in next year ,I want to send you my new music, and hopefully to bring you my new radio program. Until then,w ishing you a happy new year!

La Costa - Single
La Costa - Single
価格: 200円 iTunesで見る
posted with sticky on 2016.12.26

磯部さんの舞台は毎回伺うようにしていますが、今回は感動しました。以前から我が家にいらっしゃる度に語られていた「星野道夫」さんの世界。「素晴らしい写真家がいるんだよ!」とは聞いていましたが、その世界観を朗読と映像でどう伝えるのか? 今日は彼の写真も殆ど観た事がない中、真っ白な気持ちで伺いました。ゆっくりと引き込まれた80分。人間、星野道夫を感じ、今回のタイトルでもある「悠久の自然」を感じる事が出来た時間でした。残った言葉があります。「自分の持ち時間が本当に限られていると知らされた時、君ならどうする?」。ナレーターであり、役者でもある磯部弘だからこそ伝えられた世界観。星野道夫さんが天国で微笑んでいらっしゃる気がしました。
Michio Hoshino was born in 1952, originally from Chiba prefecture. A Japanese nature photographer, specialized in photographing Alaskan wildlife until he was killed by a brown bear while on assignment in Russia on August 8, 1996.A memorial totem pole was raised in Stika,Alaska,on August 8, 2008. His interest for Alaska began at the age of 19, when he bought a photo book showing the village of Shishmaref. He sent a letter to the village's mayor,who replied 6months later inviting him to visit. From this scene, today's recital began.Hiroshi Isobe, an actor and a narrator was really inspired by Hoshino's pictures and his essays.When he first saw Hoshino's pictures was way back in 1997 at Olympus gallery .And again in 2012, he once had a chance to go to Hoshino's exhibition at Fuji film square,and finally, he determined to bring Hoshino's world to many people out there through his own narration by reciting Hoshino's essay and showing his pictures.

La Costa - Single
La Costa - Single
価格: 200円 iTunesで見る
posted with sticky on 2016.11.22

毎朝チェックしている海外のミステリー作品映像やドキュメンタリー映像、昨日上がっていて気になったのが"Before the flood"とタイトルされたディカプリオとオバマが映っているショット。既に800万以上の視聴回数があり、どんな作品だろう?と観てみました。驚きました。自分達が暮らす地球にどれだけ無知であったかに、気付かされました。こちらは作品の冒頭に登場するヒエロニムス・ボスの祭壇画「快楽の園」。ディカプリオのベビーベッドの上に、この作品のポスターが貼ってあったそうで、物心がつく前から眺めていた一枚。特に印象に残ったのが、元宇宙飛行士でもあるピエール・セラーズ博士とのシーン。
"Before the flood" is a 2016 documentary film directed by Fisher Stevens. Produced and starred by Leonard DiCaprio. The documentary has debuted October 30th, 2016 on the National Geographic Channel. I've happened to see this documentary film yesterday night, and I've been thinking of the impact that this film had given. Especially, the scenes with Dr Piers Sellers, the former astronaut, now living with terminal cancer impressed me most.Music was produced by Atticus Ross.

La Costa - Single
La Costa - Single
価格: 200円 iTunesで見る
posted with sticky on 2016.11.05
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