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The film is based on the musical of the same name by Alain Boubil and Claude-Michel Schonberg which is in turn based on Les Miserables,the 1862 French novel by Victor Hugo.Also nominated for eight Academy Award nominations that include Best Picture,Best Actor,and Best supporting actress.Child actor Daniel Huttlestone was brilliant.He playes Gavroche, a streetwise urchin cooperating with the revolutionaries.He has previously played the role on West End,during 2011.

"It's a wonderful life" is a 1946 American Christmas drama film produced&directed by Frank Capra,besed on the short story "The greatese gift "in 1939".James Stewart as George Bailey,a man who has given up his dreams in order to help others,and whose imminent suicide on Christmas Eve brings about the intervation of his gurdian angel,Clarence Odbody played by Henry Travers.Angel Clarence shows George all the lives he has touched and how different life in his town would be had he never been born.If you are thinking about cutting out your life,you've got to see this film.

"TED"starring Mark Whalberg and Ted,the teddy bear !Directed,Screenplay,Story&Produced by Seth Macfarlane.Seth also did the voice for Ted.(He released his debut album"Music is better than words"in 2011 as a singer.)What a gifted person he is!How about watching  "TED" for Valentine's date?

Enjoyed watching "Skyfall".Besides Daniel Craig,Ben Whishaw who played Q,and Bernice Marlohe who played Severine were charming.Ben Whishaw is the actor who played the leading role of "Perfume" in 2006.

Aren't they charming?The dolls are called"Haruyama-BIna",made of ceramics.After displaying these dolls,they brought me happiness of life.

It is the coldest season of the year,so how about having  this Irabu soup? Irabu is the sea snake and it has a great power to keep you warm and strong.You can order this soup ,Just call to " La Maison Claire " 098-963-6565,Price is about 6700yen.

How about reading mysteries on this chilly season?These are the books that I've read last year including Michael Connelly's Detective Harry Bosch series.I couldn' t stop reading this series,because of the unique character of Bosch himself.Also Jeffery Deaver's paper -backs are included.Swedish mysteries are great to read especially in this snowy season.

ハートオブサンデーオンエア後のスタジオでのショットです。毎週みんなに会うのが楽しみで、半蔵門のスタジオに向かっています。good musicを愛し、丁寧にディレクションしてくれる優くん、ナイスアシストで支えてくれた貴文くん、去年12月から貴文くんからバトンタッチ、アシスタントディレクターを担当してくれている拓麻くんの3人です。(誰が誰かは英文で!)
These three guys are precious staff of "Kewpie Heart of Sunday".From Left,Takuma Yoshioka,He has been assisting the program since last December,He loves Rolling Stones,Next to Takuma is Yu Shibasaki,He is a deirector of "Heart of Sunday" since last April,His taste of music is really gentle,and also very hard-working man that we can rely on.Next to me and my right side is Takafumi Miyamoto,He has been assisting our program for about 3years. I was healed by his cute smile.I'm so happy that I can work with them!

特に予定を立てずに向かった沖縄のホテルのロビーで、ふと開いた雑誌のページに紹介されていたレストラン『ラ・メゾン・クレール1853』のフレンチパーティーおせちです。『鶉もも肉のコンフィ ハーブ焼き』『あくーと鴨のリエット アーモンドの香り』『魚介と野菜のゼリー寄せ』が特に美味しかったです!小林光栄シェフの作るヘルシーで繊細なフレンチ、沖縄に行かれるチャンスがあれば是非お店で味わってみて下さい。(HP//www.la-maison-claire.com)
I was so glad to know this precious French restaurant"La maison Claire 1853".We didn't have any plans in Okinawa,(all recommended restaurants by my friend lives in Okinawa were all closed.) So it is kind of miracle that we happend to go this restaurant by just opening a page of a magazine at hotel lobby.When we visited this restaurant,all the seats were reserved except one table.Thank you so much for wonderful dinner ,
Splendid cheff,Mr Koei Kobayashi and all the staff of "La maison Claire1853"!! tel098-963-6565

Thank you everyone for your thoughtful presents.Especially I want to thank to Aunt Sawako who always supported me after my mother had passed away.
ThankyouKumi,You,Takafumi,Takuma,Kayo,Hitomi,Mayuko,Taro,Eddie,Koichi,Erica,Ikumi,Hiroshi,Masumi,Takayuki,Masako,Tomomi Kimura,Tomomi Tsuchiko,Yoko,Masako,Sahiko Sakamoto,Sachiko Chihara,my precious sister Youa,Chitose,Naoko,Miyoh,and her children,Merry Christmas everyone!!
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