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Pierre Lemaitre is a French author and a screenwriter born in 1951. His first novel translated into English, Alex, won the CWA International Dagger for the best crime novel of 2013. In November 2013, he was awarded the Prix Goncourt, France's top literary prize, for Au-revoir la haut, an epic about World War I. His novel Camille won the CWA International Dagger in 2015. One of the trilogy series, Alex's surname came from a classic French novel, Manon Lescaut. Check out his website


This is the reunion party of "Smart Lounge" on BS Asahi. Only 1 year program, but it was always nice working with them. I started this blog in 2012 when this program" Smart Lounge”on BS Asahi was on the final episode. We wish to come back again in pretty near future with a splendid program!!

Enjoyed watching "World ballet day 2015" In 2014, on the first broadcast of World Ballet Day LIVE, five of the world's leading ballet companies once again streamed 23 hours of live, behind-the-scenes footage on October 1, 2015. The Australian Ballet, Bolshoi Ballet, The Royal Ballet, The National Ballet of Canada, and San Francisco Ballet partnered to provide viewers around the world with an inside look at professional ballet companies in the studio, on tour, and in performance. Especially, I was moved by Bolshoi ballet master-repetiteur, Boris Akimov.

最高のスイーツに出会いました! 殆どホールケーキを独り占めしてしまった枚方市内のドイツ菓子店「ホルガー」のツッカークランツ。ドイツ語で砂糖を意味する「ツッカー」と花輪を表す「クランツ」。バタークリームをたっぷり使ったお砂糖の花輪。こんなにシンプルで美味しいお菓子があったとは! トムセン・陽子さんの結婚披露宴の引き出物で頂いた一品です。
I loved this German sweet "Zucker Kranz" by HOLGER. Zucker means Sugar in German, and Kranz means Wreath. My favorite sweets are most of all using Fresh cream, and this Zucker Kranz is using a lot of butter cream, so rich and tasty. If you have a chance to visit Hirakata-city, check out "Konditorei & Cafe HOLGER".

長靴を履いて行って来ました! 初来日公演となったブロードウェイミュージカル「ピピン」。劇団四季の俳優・芝清道さんが玉川大学の学生時代、英語劇のクラブでピピン役を演じていたのがきっかけで、このミュージカルと出会いました。リーディングプレーヤー役でトニー賞を受賞したパティナ・ミラーが観られなかったのは残念。でも、ピピン王子の祖母バーサを演じたプリシア・ロペス、往年の名ピアニスト・アルトゥール・ルービンシュタインの息子でもあるジョン・ルービンシュタインは、共に60代後半ながら、マジカルなパワーを舞台から放ってくれました。

Enjoyed watching the Broadway musical"PIPIN "at Theater Orb tonight. The line that left an impression on me most is "It's the secret of life, Live in a moment. "And PIPIN 's grandma Berthe's line"I can stay young,till I die!"And the presence of John Rubinstein was really magnetic and magical!
I also realized I am still looking for my "Corner of the Sky". So if you are looking for where your sprit can run free, check out "PIPIN"at Theater Orb!!

They are my ex-colleagues, and now became my sincere friends. From your left, sitting beside me is Hitomi Ikai, Yuko Katori and Kayo Okumura. Three girls are always in good energy and high spirt. So whenever I see them, I feel happy and cozy. Also, this cozy place "Pizzeria Cantera "is my recent favorite Italian restaurant. Nice view with good food &wine, and friendly staff.

It was my second time watching the film"Rhapsody in August ". The first time was around 1992 when this picture was still on the screen. Almost no memory besides Richard Gere was good. But this time, after I've lost my grandma, the leading character of this film; the grand mother Kane reminded me of my grandma. Perhaps she speaks the same dialect with my grandma which is of Nagasaki. They both loved spending time with her grandchildren, and loved her husbands...Few years after when this picture was taken, my grandma lost her husband. Raised in Tokyo, married to a naval officer and moved to Nagasaki. After the war, left with three children to bear, the struggles she has been through were immeasurable.

A popular tourist spot located in the southern part of Okinawa island, renowned for its scenery. There are two bridges,the Nirai Bridge and the Kanai Bridge; together, they are called the Niraikanai Bridge."Niraikanai"is a word in the Okinawan dialect meaning a utopia existing across the ocean. We were recommended this spot by our favorite restaurant Mahae 's Sushi-cheff.

ナタリーコール 1977年の佳曲、「ラ・コスタ」。夏になるとよくオンエアしていたのを思い出します。夏の素敵な恋の歌をダンサブルなアレンジでカバーしてみました。
This is going to be our first cover song release. Enjoy your summer love with "La costa"2015 version!

BS JAPANでお送りしていた「欧州〜美の浪漫紀行」以来の紀行番組ナレーション、BS11 「英国アンティークに魅せられて〜知られざる美の世界〜」。スタッフの皆さんと楽しいスタジオワークご一緒させて頂きました。写真のハルシオンデイズは個人的に大変お世話になった恩人から頂いたもので番組にも登場します。ロンドン最大の骨董市場と言われるポートベロー、アンティークデパート・グレイズ、市場での値段交渉術など見所盛り沢山。是非ご覧になってみてください!
If you are interested in English Antiques Shopping, check out tonight from 8:00pm on BS11. This Halcyon Days is a gift from my benefactor about 10 years ago as a souvenir from London. I didn't know this little box is called Halcyon Days before I've narrated this program. When I came home from the studio, I just looked the back of the pill box. There was a mark of royal warrant and Halcyon Days letters were printed. I also love these words printed on the box, Albert Einstein quotes "Learn from yesterday, Live for today, Hope for tomorrow".

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