Nona's room
2024/11/15 (Fri)
2015/08/20 (Thu)
映画「八月のラプソディー」を観て、長崎に眠る祖父母を想う Thinking of my grandparents, watching Kurosawa's "Rhapsody in August".l
It was my second time watching the film"Rhapsody in August ". The first time was around 1992 when this picture was still on the screen. Almost no memory besides Richard Gere was good. But this time, after I've lost my grandma, the leading character of this film; the grand mother Kane reminded me of my grandma. Perhaps she speaks the same dialect with my grandma which is of Nagasaki. They both loved spending time with her grandchildren, and loved her husbands...Few years after when this picture was taken, my grandma lost her husband. Raised in Tokyo, married to a naval officer and moved to Nagasaki. After the war, left with three children to bear, the struggles she has been through were immeasurable.