
Nona's room



今日深夜26時48分からのTBS『ニッポン始動 世界陸上8月開幕』のナレーション収録後に、立ち寄りました。毎年訪れている花見スポットのひとつ、神田川沿いの面影橋からの桜並木です。いつも車中からお花見を楽しんでいますが、この時期は街中に桜の花が咲いていて癒されます。
How about visiting Kandagawa area?I took a picture from a front  seat window.A color of bridge and hazy pink cherry trees matches  especially in this season.

This year's first guest table.Spring strawberries from Fukuoka,Fruits tomatoes,and cream cheese on glass wear from Okinawa.This green glass wear is a gift from my friend,Takeshi Matamura who lives in Okinawa.

パレスホテル内『FRANZ』で見つけた器です。父が好きなホテルで子供の頃から通っていましたが、去年5月にリニューアルしてからは初めて。地下のモールを歩いていたら、カラフルな器のお店が目に飛び込んできました。台湾発祥の陶器のお店で、こちらはフランス人のデザイナーJean Boggioとのコラボレート作品。
Jean Boggio for FRANZ,cleverly blends modern colors like turqoise,royal green and mysterious purple into traditional Chinese elements and French images and creates colorful wonderland.I loved these dragon and snake cups.They have 12 sexagenary cycle cups.( Each cup&saucers 16000yen.FRANZ Palace Hotel 03-6273-4236)

Happy 1st anniversary,BS 258 D-Life!I am so happy that I can join with wonderful staff of D-Life.This BS TV station now  became my family's best favorite channel.And also,I want to thank you to Ms Notomi Kurose and  staff of "La terre" always creating tasty and healthy sweets. If you want to order special cake for your anniversary,Call La Terre 03-5486-5489

This is my favorite chocolate cake from my favorite staff of "Wabisabi-NAVI".Thank you ,Kenji,Hiroyuki,Kento,Koji,Kazumi!I'm so happy that I can work with you guys.

A Splendid film"Life of pi"deirected by Ang Lee.Based on the story written by Yann Martel.Mantel's Life of Pi follows the story of a sixteen year-old Indian boy whose desire to find deeper meaning leads him to simultaneously embrace three different religions.Pi trying to be a good HIndu,Christian,and Muslim all at the same time.Pi's faith is put to its greatest test when he is stranded aboard a lifeboat in the middle of the pacific,after the cargo ship that was supposed to take him to Canada sinks.He survives 227 days after a shipwreck while stranded on a boat in the Pacific Ocean with a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker.Suraj Aharma who played Pi was excellent and perfect  for this role.

 A  pretty plum tree called "Kurehashigure" at Hanegi park.Spring scent from the plums filled my heart with joy.Almost all the trees are in full blooms,so you better visit there until this weekend.

This art work is done by Miss Shoko Imai.She is a graduate of  Tama art university kougei division.I was happened to stop by Aoyama Spairal just waiting for a person to meet.And there was nothing to do while I was waiting,so I was just hanging around in the hall way.Then I found this beautiful work of art made by a
glass fiber.You can feel the veins of a leaf.It was moving experience .Hope to see her new works in near future.Good luck,Shoko!

レセプションパーティーで送らせて頂いたスタンド花です。文京区にある『フラワーショップ リラ』の堀口孝さんにお願いして作って頂きました。担当させて頂いているラジオ番組名に因んで『ハート』のスタンド花を作って下さるところを探していたところ、リラさんと巡り会った次第です。春色のイメージでピンクの薔薇と水色のブルースター等を入れて、春の野の花のイメージで〜とお願いしたのですが、見事にアレンジして作って頂きました。バラ(リバイバル)スプレーバラ(サントワマミー)チューリップ(ピンクダイヤモンド)トルコキキョウ、カーネーション、アルストロメリア、水色のデルフィニウム、ラナンキュラス、スイートピーなど美しい春の花が勢揃い。心を込めてアレンジして頂き本当にありがとうございました!
This is FLower shop Lilas beautiful arrangement of Spring flowers. Mr Takashi Horiguchi decorated these splendid flowers including pink roses,blue delfiniums,tulips,ranunculus etc.I was astonished to see these arrangement and very moved by florist's efforts and concern.If you want to order beautiful arrangement of flowers.CALL Flowershop Lilas 03-5842-1233 www.flowershop-lilas.gr.jp

Happy birthday,mom!How are you doing up in heaven?Are you still there resting in peace?Or you are reincarnating and enjoying your new life!?Wherever you are,you are always in my heart and in my voice.
You taught me how to play piano sincerely,and always thankful to others.Thank you mom for being my mother...
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