
Nona's room



This week, we invited two guests to our table and served this appetizer.
A melon really goes well with this mascarpone by Zanetti.

La Costa - Single
La Costa - Single
価格: 200円 iTunesで見る
posted with sticky on 2017.6.22

今日、6月6日に68歳のお誕生日を迎えた佐藤輝夫さん。こじんまりとした誕生日会をするのでいらして下さいとメールを頂き、今宵会場のレストラン「イルドマンジェ」に行ってきました。輝さんのこじんまりとは、40〜50人位なのですね。次々と集まってくる方々が口々に輝夫さんへの想いを語られていて、人との繋がりを大切にされている輝さんに改めてリスペクト!  乾杯と締めの挨拶は、学生時代からの親友という向かって右側の及川伸一さん。初めてお会いした方々も多かったのに、輝さんを介してお会いしているので、皆さんと自然にお話し出来て楽しかったです。美味しいワインとお食事、そして暖かいひととき、ありがとうございました!
Today is Teruo Sato's birthday. He is the one who opened my door to be a DJ, way back in 1990. If he didn't choose me as a radio DJ, I am not here today. He also opened my world to singing. I think he is the one who created a word called "J-pop". He made a production company called "ShaLaLa company" in 1988. Thank you Teru-san for inviting us to your birthday party.
A happy happy birthday!

La Costa - Single
La Costa - Single
価格: 200円 iTunesで見る
posted with sticky on 2017.6.6

They are my colleagues, to your left is Shinichiro Matsumoto, to your right is Masanori Ishii. Shinichiro's BD is coming on June 3rd, so tonight, after the live show"Mr Sunday", we celebrated his birthday with this big cake. Thank you Yukari for preparing this birthday cake every year!

La Costa - Single
La Costa - Single
価格: 200円 iTunesで見る
posted with sticky on 2017.5.28

以前ラジオ番組で20年間お世話になったお二人。お仕事が終わってもキープインタッチさせて頂いています。去年お連れしたパレスホテル「グランドキッチン」のテラス席に今年もお連れしたかったのですが、当日は団体の方で満席とのこと。以前から時々伺っている「並木橋なかむら」の方にご連絡して、広尾に3年前に開店した「味のなかむら」に伺う事になりました。こちらのお店が2000年代初頭に、偶然お二人に連れて行って頂いた事のある「春秋 響」広尾店の閉店後、同じ場所で「味のなかむら」がオープンした事を知り、びっくり。時の流れの早さと不思議な偶然に驚き、大切なお二人とのご縁に感謝したひとときでした。川並純店長、サーブして下さった平戸ゆかりさん、美味しいお料理とワイン、そしてデザートプレートにバースデーメッセージを描いて頂き、有難うございました!
This photo was taken at"Ajinonakamura". These gentlemen are my benefactors all these years through my radio program way back in 1998. They are also celebrating my birthday in every December from 1999 to the present. Last year, I invited them to the terrace restaurant of "Palace Hotel". But it was full booked this time, so this year, changed the restaurant to Japanese restaurant near the Hiroo district. If you are looking for nice and cosy Japanese restaurant with good wine and sake. Visit Hiroo,"Ajinonakamura ".

La Costa - Single
La Costa - Single
価格: 200円 iTunesで見る
posted with sticky on 2017.5.22

If you are planning to go to Naha-city, you'd better try to go to "Ryoji". A very good restaurant of Okinawa food and liquor. I happened to know this restaurant by a taxi driver in Okinawa. He recommended this restaurant immediately when we asked him about where we can find the best Okinawa gastropub? This is the picture of "Boring Clam". It went well with "Zampa"White.

La Costa - Single
La Costa - Single
価格: 200円 iTunesで見る
posted with sticky on 2017.5.16

I am writing 10 years diary every day, and found out today is my parent 's wedding anniversary. My mother had passed away when she was still young, but this photo brings me full of joy from their smiles. I am proud that I was born as their daughter.

La Costa - Single
La Costa - Single
価格: 200円 iTunesで見る
posted with sticky on 2017.5.12

My mother in law came from Kagoshima. As we drove through Aoyama area, we came upon the exhibition of "Irises and Mountain Streams in Summer and Autumn"by chance. This exhibition features two masterpieces of Rinpa painting: The National Treasure Irises screens by Ogata Korin(1658-1716) and the Mountain Streams in Summer and Autumn screens by Suzuki Kiitsu(1796-1858). The best spot to stop by during this season. Better visit the "Garden".

La Costa - Single
La Costa - Single
価格: 200円 iTunesで見る
posted with sticky on 2017.4.30

I was googling "mix sandwitch"in Shiba area, and ran into "Pikake" in Tokyo Prince Hotel. It was really my favorite sandwitch, and more than that, the view from the window was perfect!

La Costa - Single
La Costa - Single
価格: 200円 iTunesで見る
posted with sticky on 2017.4.12

Based on the ethnographic research project "Aged communities and active aging-A case study of rural villages in the Japanese Alps"conducted by scientists from the University of Vienna. This film focuses on the daily life and challenges in three overaged villages in Japanese Alps. The story portraits two single-living seniors; the 84 year-old Shimako, and the oldest man in his village, 93 year-old Genichi. Check out "65+Being old in rural Japan".

La Costa - Single
La Costa - Single
価格: 200円 iTunesで見る
posted with sticky on 2017.4.6

3月21日が誕生日の石井正則さん。今夜ご一緒した 『Mrサンデー』 のスタジオで、サプライズのバースデーケーキを囲んでのショットです。コーヒーと甘いものが大好きな正則さんですが、毎年用意して下さるこちらのショートケーキは本当に美味しくて!私も甘いものには目がないので、この後皆でぺろっと頂きました。いつも美味しいケーキを用意して下さるデスクの有香里さん、ありがとうございます!
This shot was taken this evening at the recording stuido of "Mr Sunday". We were narrating for the program tonight. From your left, Shinichiro Matsumoto, the middle is Masanori Ishii. His birthday is March 21st. It's a little bit early, but wishing you a Happy Birthday!  Masanori-san!

La Costa - Single
La Costa - Single
価格: 200円 iTunesで見る
posted with sticky on 2017.3.20
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