
Nona's room



These are BD gifts and cakes from the staff of "Mr Sunday" broadcasting live on Fuji TV every Sunday evening. Yesterday night,when I've entered the dressing room, this little cute cake and birthday plate and the card were waiting for me. Truly grateful for your kindness and consideration.

La Costa - Single
La Costa - Single
価格: 200円 iTunesで見る
posted with sticky on 2017.12.18

今年の4月からご一緒させて頂いた「ルノーサンデーボヤージュ」の皆さま。短い間でしたが、久しぶりにラジオのマイクの前に座れた時間は特別でした。いつも心地良い声を作って下さったミキサーの星さん。(私の向かって左側の方) 向かって右隣は美しい花束をスタジオに届けて下さった番組プロデューサーの麗央さん。星さんのお隣は毎週フランスの素敵な街角に誘ってくれた構成作家の桃子さん。下段の白いセーターの女性はいつも番組にチャーミングなエッセンスを加えてくれた番組ディレクターの久美さん。そのお隣は局の営業担当佳祐さん。そしてこの写真を撮ってくれた私と同じ誕生日の石手マネージャー。皆さんのお陰で毎回心踊る気持ちで、マイクの前に座る事が出来ました。私が担当するのは、残すところ3回の放送になりましたが、よろしかったら「ルノーサンデーボヤージュ」毎週日曜日の13:55から聴いてくださいね!
Today was my last recording of "Renault Sunday Voyages"on Tokyo-FM. I was really happy doing this program for these past 9 months. I was longing for doing the voice of car company, and in this program, my dream came true.I really want to say thank you for the people involved in this program. Especially, Mr Hiroyuki Unhida and Ms Kiyoko Date from Renault Japon.

La Costa - Single
La Costa - Single
価格: 200円 iTunesで見る
posted with sticky on 2017.12.14

We really had a great time with dad and aunt and my uncle celebrating my dad's 80's birthday. I've ordered Spode Christmas dinner plate and table cloth and Winterberry glasses of Pfaltzgraff by Amazon Global. My aunt(my late mother's younger sister) and my uncle (my dad's youngest brother) met for the first time in 35 years.

La Costa - Single
La Costa - Single
価格: 200円 iTunesで見る
posted with sticky on 2017.12.13

Today is Yasujiro Ozu's birthday and his anniversary of his death. (12 December 1903-12 December 1963) My father used to visit his house in Kamakura when he was young with Ozu's relatives. (I recall his friend was Ozu's nephew or cousin.) Ozu gave my father his coat and jacket at that time. I was watching YouTube relating Ozu this morning and found this video. One of my favorites is "Floating Weeds" in 1959.

La Costa - Single
La Costa - Single
価格: 200円 iTunesで見る
posted with sticky on 2017.12.12

This is my favorite cookie of all time "Honolulu Cookie Company ". Every cookie is baked fresh in Honolulu, handcrafted from a recipe refined over the years using only the finest ingredients. As each batch comes out of the oven, the air fills with the warm aroma of shortbread, ready to deliver a taste of aloha. Mahalo Noriko!

La Costa - Single
La Costa - Single
価格: 200円 iTunesで見る
posted with sticky on 2017.11.30

Enjoying Black Friday sale with Matchfashion, The Outnet, SSENCE, Farfetch etc. I started to like Stella's clothing just a year ago. The price is really high when you try to buy at department stores and the flag shops in Japan. But when you shop on line,you can find them in reasonable price. I've found the Stella's navy Stefani padded jacket in 34 size at UK site that I'd wanted for a long time..

La Costa - Single
La Costa - Single
価格: 200円 iTunesで見る
posted with sticky on 2017.11.24

We were celebrating Naoko's birthday at our house. And there I've found the heart-shaped little leaf, and put it on her plate.Hope Prince Charming will come to her.

La Costa - Single
La Costa - Single
価格: 200円 iTunesで見る
posted with sticky on 2017.11.21

今日までトリプルポイントデイという事で、広尾のスーパーナショナル麻布に寄り道。ここでお勧めは二階の雑貨売り場とワインコーナー。ハロウィン当日という事でハロウィン商品が特売でした。今日のお目当はバースデーカード、ジャスト30才から90才までの米国製誕生日カードが購入出来ます。ちょうど二階に上がる階段で迎えてくれたのが、ハロウィンのゴースト達!ちょうど今日まで、ワイン6本10%オフデイだったので、美味しそうなワインをワイン担当の石井さんに選んで頂きました。入荷したばかりソフィア・コッポラのロゼスパークリングと共に、気になった白のGAVI2015年、赤はChianti Classic2012年、Cru  Monplaiser2014年を購入。選んだワインの輸入元の殆どが中島董商店でした。いつも美味しいワインは、ボトルの裏を見ると中島董商店の事が多く、今回もボトルを開ける日が楽しみです!
This photo was taken at the second floor of "National Azabu". Triple point sale until today, so I've stopped by and looked around variety store (2nd floor) and wine corners. (For the special 6 bottles of wine 10%off until today) Thank you Mr Ishii for selecting us splendid selection of wine.

La Costa - Single
La Costa - Single
価格: 200円 iTunesで見る
posted with sticky on 2017.10.31

My favorite fireworks in Japan is Atami Sea Fireworks Festival. The magnificent "Niagara Falls in the sky "casts a silvery white light over the night sky and leads us into a splendid finale! The next chance is up coming Sunday, November 12th, from 20:20 to 20:45.

La Costa - Single
La Costa - Single
価格: 200円 iTunesで見る
posted with sticky on 2017.10.17

先週から電車の中で読み始めた一冊。映画「日の名残り」は時々取り出して観る映画でしたが、原書を読んだのは「私を離さないで」が初めてでした。先程、ノーベル文学賞の速報が流れ驚きました。こちらの「夜想曲集〜音楽と夕暮れをめぐる5つの物語」は音楽を愛する人なら、スッと入り込める一冊。中でも"Come rain or come shine"は、久しぶりに本を読みながら可笑しくて涙が出る程笑いました。この作品だけ電車の中で読まず、良かったです。。
I am very happy to hear the news of Kazuo Ishiguro winning the 2017 Nobel prize in literature. This is my favorite book of Ishiguro's. "Each of these stories is heartbreaking in its own way, but some have moments of great comedy, and they all require a level of attention that, typically, Ishiguro's writing rewards."by Observer.

La Costa - Single
La Costa - Single
価格: 200円 iTunesで見る
posted with sticky on 2017.10.05
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