Nona's room
These are my favorite pancake mix. Esecially, MULVADI pancake mix is very easy to make. Just add water! No need to mix with eggs and milk.
今日22日(土)午前10時10分から4時間おきに、NHKワールドで六回放送される特別番組「Music for Tomorrow 」。友人のディレクター藤木伸一郎さんが、ニューヨークのブルーノートを訪れ、ボブ・ジェームズ等のライブを取材。震災直後から被災地支援の活動を続けてきたアーティスト達に光を当て、今回は「音楽に出来ること」をテーマに世界3箇所でチャリティーコンサートを実施。今日の放送は「ジャズ編〜アメリカ」、ナビゲーターは滝川クリステルさんです。今回初めてネットを通してNHKワールドを観てみました。世界を近くに感じるサイトですね。
NHK WORLD marks the third anniversary of 3.11 with a variety of programs including"Music for tomorrow"(Jazz concert on air day is March 22nd) Featuring Bob James from Blue Note, NY.
今日はホワイトデーだったのですね。ちょうどバレンタインデーだった一ヶ月前の現場に今日も伺ったところ、皆さん覚えて下さっていてお返しのスイーツを思いがけず頂きました! 昨日は毎週のようにブランチタイムに伺っていて、いつも良い席を用意して下さるラウンジのチーフの方からチョコレートのお返しに!と大好きなスイーツを頂き、とても嬉しかったです。いつもありがとうございます!
A "White day" is Japanese unique custom,in return for the Valentine's Day gifts on March 14. Thank you my precious colleagues, Katsumi-san, Koichi-san, Suave-san, Sugiyama-san, Takuma-kun, Toshihiko-san, Yu-kun!!
先月、マドンナの人権擁護プロジェクト「アートフォーフリーダム」に応募してみました。映像を付けなければ応募出来ないため、映像ディレクターの吉本レイさんに協力してもらって、アジアをフィーチャーして映像を作り応募してみました。3月の作品として選ばれたので、良かったらご覧になってみてください。アートフォーフリーダムのサイトにアクセスして、トップページからスクロールさせて、アートフォーフリーダムカレンダー、MARCH 1の作品、nona / ONEです。
Check out my song "one"on "ARTFORFREEDOM ",just jump to "#ARTFORFREEDOM CALENDAR". It's on Mar.1st video.
The Cripps Pink variety was originally bred by John Cripps in Australia. By crossing the Australian Apple"Lady Williams"with a "Golden Delicious". Pink Lady brand apples must meet certain trade mark quality specifications including sugar content, firmness, blemishes and color. This Pink Lady is from Nagano Prefecture.
This film"Una Giornata Particolare (A Special Day,1977) is set during the late 1930's: the occasion is the first meeting between Mussolini and Hitler. Left alone in her apartment when her fascist husband and her six children run off to attend the historic event, Sophia Lauren strikes up a friendship with her neighbor Marcello Mastroianni.This Sophia Lauren figure reminds me of my late mother whose birthday is today, February 23rd.I only have her picture, no videos. So it feels like I can meet her in this film.
This is a memorial writing for my distantly related aunt who passed away recently.I n her closing years, she grew senile. So not many people attended the funeral service. But this memorial writing by her husband really touched my heart. Rest in peace, your 87 years of life was filled with love and joy.
Hinamatsuri, The girl's festival is a Japanese traditional festival to celebrate the girl's happiness and healthy growth, which is held on March 3rd. These dolls represent the Emperor and Empress, their noble court ladies in waiting and ministers, which are dressed in ancient Heian period costumes based on court style.
Hotel Grand Arc Hanzomon
I was looking for a flower print diary for about a year. And here I found my favorite Belgian painter, Pierre-Joseph Redoute's flower dairy. The book behind the diary is "Choix des plus belles fleurs"by Roudoute.Especially, a front cover picture"Bouquet de Pensees "is my all time favorite flower picture.
This is an Italian Gobelin tapestry. The price was just 980 yen. I took this little tapestry to Loft, Shibuya. And here it is!! It took 9000yen to frame a tapestry. But it's worth it.