
Nona's room



Enjoyed a spring trip to Ise-Shima national park district. This is a morning sunlight shot from near "Shima kanko hotel bay suites"where we've stayed for two days. If you want to visit Ise shrine, you can take a bus from the hotel to the inner shrine. It takes about an hour to get to the shrine, for a round trip, ¥1000.English channels,TV&Radios are available in every 50 suite rooms.In a private library, you can enjoy free dink and delicious sweets. A french restaurant "La mer"is my best recommendation. A black abalone steak is the dish you can't miss!


This is our new song dedicated to my listeners. It's been a year since I left from my dj program. One day after big snow fell on Feb 2014, I visited Mr president Nakajima's grave whom I respect and admire most. He is the founder of the radio program, so I wanted to express my gratitude. When I came back from the graveyard, I started to play Debussy's Arabesque dedicated to him. And gradually, some melody popped up from my mind. So I started to write them down. Along with the melody, the lyrics also came floating. So the original of this song was roughly finished around a year ago. But I was still lonely and not in good condition to finish the song. So I waited for my energy to come back. And also, the listener of the program wrote me a letter to my management office that how he loved the program .That letter really moved me, and we finished up this song around this March. Very grateful to the arranger and creator of nona team, T-wai. Very inspiring working with him. I am also playing piano in the track from the passage of Debussy's Arabesque.Hope you will enjoy it.

箱根に行った帰り、岡田美術館に寄ってみました。表参道の根津美術館がスケールアップした印象でしょうか、素晴らしいコレクションでした。尾形光琳、歌麿、北斎、横山大観の絵画から、東洋の器、漆、青銅器、仏像まで。日本の古九谷、鍋島、尾形幹山の京焼から清時代の壺、高麗時代の繊細な器まで、さっと観るだけでも2時間ほどかかりました。特に心に残った作品を美術館の方に紙と鉛筆をお借りして、スケッチしてみました。今回好きになった画家が、右手のハガキ「海月」を描いた菱田春草。クロード ・モネ「雨のベリール」を想い出しました。
In autumn 2013, The Okada museum of Art housing many exquisite Eastern treasures and collections opened in Hakone. This museum was constructed on the site of the old Kaikatei hotel built in the Meiji Period for Westerners. Exhibiting Japanese, Chinese, and Korean works of art ranging from ancient times through to the present age, collected by the business man Okada Kazuo. They do not permit recording devices such as cellphones,cameras, and tablets and also beverages to be brought into the galleries. So I borrowed the pencil and the papers just to sketch few of them.
A little bit expensive, but very great museum to visit. If you love an oriental art, better check this museum out.

Ludwig van Beethoven died on March 26th, 1827. Recently,I've been listening to his compositions on you-tubes, and especially, there is one melody that I can't forget. It's been ringing in my years all day long, finally found out that is a melody from his 5th symphony. So I went to "Yamaha, Ginza"to check out the good CDs, and found this album. Very affluent expression with beautiful sounds with full of energy.  

My colleague and the voice performer, Tsuyoshi Takishita passed away on Mar 10th, 2013. He was 37 years old then. I was shocked to hear the news and I also thought about his newlywed wife, Jun Shikano whom I've never met before. Every year when March arrives, I think of him,and his wife, and send her flowers with a card. Last year, I asked her to have an Afternoon Tea together. We had a precious time together talking and thinking about him. She sent me a beautiful card which the bird is written in front and sealed with a four-leaf clover. Hope this four-leaf clover will bring her a happiness as a woman again, and looking forward to seeing her on her birthday in June.

We had a farewell party tonight, after the live TV show "Mr Sunday"on Fuji TV. 7 people had graduated our program this month, including four directors and two assistant directors. The program itself has 5 years history even though I 've joined the program just for nearly two years. But I am very proud that I could join this team.Because of the warmth and the energy that this program's cast and the staff create. They are taking efforts on daily basis for the program. Very inspiring program and people for me.

フランスのミステリーで初めて面白かった作品、イギリス推理作家協会賞受賞も頷けます。ルメートルの他作品も読んでみたくて探してみたところ、主人公、カミーユ警部の三部作として、英語版で出版されていました。まだ三部作目の「カミーユ」だけは値段が高く購入していませんが、代わりに作品中で登場した「アメリカンサイコ」が気になり、読んでみました。こちらは80年代後半のマンハッタンが舞台。特に洋楽ファンには興味深い"Whitney Houston", "Genesis", "Huey Lewis and the News"の章などはスムーズに読めました。
Today is Spring equinox day, and here is a Spring born novelist, Pierre Lemaitre's masterpieces,"Alex" and" Irene". He is a Prix Goncourt-winning French author and a screenwriter. His first novel translated into English, Alex, won the CWA International Dagger for best crime novel of 2013.

今日はお雛祭り。我が家でも「春山雛」を飾り、毎年気に入ったお雛様があると友人にプレゼントしたり、自分でも買い揃えて今では三組になりました。女の子はお雛様を飾ると幸せになると言うけれど、私の場合はまさにそうでした。2/28(土) にリビエラ東京で人前式を挙げたばかりの千歳さんにも数年前、お雛様をプレゼント。毎年飾ってくれていました。そんなお雛様パワーが効いたのでしょうか? 会場に着くと真紅の薔薇を渡され、こちらを渡して頂けますか?と係りの方に声を掛けられました。誠実、愛情、健康、友情から平和まで12本の薔薇があり、私が渡されたのは「情熱」の薔薇でした。これから年月が経っても、今の熱い「情熱」を忘れない2人でいて下さいね!
This is my cousin's wedding ceremony at Riviera Tokyo. It was also my first experience of Civil Ceremony. There are 12 roses given to their dearest guests. All the roses have meanings like"Friendship","Love","Peace","Health" etc. The rose I was given was "Passion"Rose. Today, March 3rd is the "The Girl's festival"in Japan. The girls who display the set of dolls (Ohinasama) believed to be happy as a woman. This beautiful bride also displayed a set of dolls for these past few years. Maybe they brought her a happiest moment of her life!

This is a photographer, Soichiro Honda at his first exhibition in Shinjuku gallery.
He lost his elder sister when she was in 30's, that experience has changed his whole life, I suppose. He started to write songs and became a singer-song writer .And recently, he started to take pictures. The first picture and the last picture of his exhibion were the pictures of candles dedicated to his late sister. The sky, the firecrackes, the landscape of his homeland, Ohita Prefecture, and his early childhood days with his family pictures, all reminded me of the Showa-Era. Very personal pictures, but that reminiscing feelings that I've felt from his pictures was warm and simple like Soichiro Honda himself.

思いがけない大好物が届きました!大好きなチョコレート、それも大好きなメーカーのチョコ!バレンタイン当日に女性から頂いたチョコレート、気持ちが華やぎました。スペインの赤ワイン "Duque De Sevilla Reserva 2003"と一緒に頂きますね。ありがとうございます!
What a lovely gift!my all time favorites,"Godiva",and "MarieBelle". Really cheered me up in this chilly weather in Tokyo. From two lovely ladies that I've known for about 5-10 years through my job, and my favorite boutique. Thank you Masako-san, and Emi-chan, for sending me lovely gifts! This little soft toy cat is an old gift from Hird, way back in 2003.
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