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His name is Kazuyuki (Kazz) Yamamuro. (Oct.18,1959-Mar.16,2013) He loved fashion through his entire life, and played a major role in the Japanese fashion industry. My first favorite fashion TV show was "Fashion Tsushin" starting from 1985. I've learned a lot from this program about world fashion and also runway music. When I was just doing radio and cm narration, I happened to be a cm narrator for "Fashion Tsushin". And there in the narration booth, I 've met Mr Yamamuro for the first time. Later, he gave me a chance to do a TV narration for the show. It was my first regular TV narration show. Every year when March 16th arrives, I think of him and his beautiful wife, Emiko.

La Costa - Single
La Costa - Single
価格: 200円 iTunesで見る
posted with sticky on 2016.3.16

ボッシュシリーズの最新作"The wrong side of goodbye"がこの秋アメリカ、イギリスなどで出版が決定。現在原書で読めるボッシュシリーズで一番新しい作品が、バーニングルームです。退職を控えたボッシュと新人刑事ルーシーとタッグを組んで、コールドケースを担当。愛娘マディーも警察官を目指し勉強を始め、今後の展開も楽しみです。あのレイチェル・ウォリングもサラッと登場します。
This is my favorite series,Harry Bosch's 19th book released in 2014. I've found this book at Kinokuniya, Shibuya last month. They moved the foreign books corner, but still very few books...
Michael Connelly is going to release Harry Bosh's 20th book,"The wrong side of goodbye" on October 18, 2016 in the UK, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand, and on November 1, 2016 in the USA and Canada.

La Costa - Single
La Costa - Single
価格: 200円 iTunesで見る
posted with sticky on 2016.3.10

This exhibition consists total of 51 works, 11 paintings by Caravaggio accompanied by works of representative followers,biggest selection of his paintings ever to be shown in Japan. Also, this is an historic opportunity in introducing to the world for the first time Mary Magdalene in Ecstasy which was painted in 1606. I was astonished by "Baptist St John". He was breathing in the painting.

La Costa - Single
La Costa - Single
価格: 200円 iTunesで見る
posted with sticky on 2016.3.4

I 'm rereading "The Celestine Prophecy-an experiential guide" by James Redfield for the first time in ten years. In Japanese title, translated as "nine wisdoms". And today is 29th of Feb, in a leap year. So the number 9 was maybe stuck in the back of my mind and picked up this book from the shelf.

節分の時期に毎年飾るお雛様、以前ご紹介した「春山雛」の他に、現在小さなお雛様が2セットあります。こちらはお道具がなかったので、ずっと探していましたが、毎週寄るスタジオの横にあるパックマートで見付けました! 浅草橋で4、5軒探したのですが、どれもサイズが合わず意外とお値段がするのも分かりました。今回販売元を調べたら、以前購入した春山雛のお道具セットと同じお店、あさくさ江戸屋さんでした。
This is one of my Hina-doll sets displaying every year after First day of Spring. I've been looking for Hina-doll's tools the past few years. But the size is too small,so I couldn't get the perfect tools for them. Finally, Asakusa-Edoya solved the situation. The Hina-sweets behind the doll is called "Suhamazukushi" made by Enshuya. I always select this additive-free sweets for the Spring girl's festival every year.

Classic & Jazz is an Internet radio station on the Classic and Jazz radio network from Paris, France providing good music, music news and entertainment.

Today is my mother, Kiyoe(Keyo) Tateno's birthday. This spring flower of NY always reminds me of her. Our backyard in spring season, 59 Clifton Rd, Scarsdale, NY.

This is a 2010 novel by Emma Donoghue. The story is told from the perspective of a five year old boy, Jack who lives with his Ma. The film adaptation was released in November 2015, starring Jacob Tremblay and Brie Larson. It has since been nominated for 4 Academy awards.

初めて読んだカズオ・イシグロ作品。殆どミステリーしか読まない自分には、新鮮な世界でした。「私の名前はキャシーH、11年間 carerであり、現在31歳です。」〜と始まるストーリー。何か介護をする人の話かな?と思いながら読み進んで行ったのですが、彼の作品は映像のイメージが膨らみますね。本のタイトルにもなった、主人公キャシーが枕を抱きながら「私を離さないで」という歌を唄うシーン。読みながら涙が溢れました。現在TBSでドラマ化され放映中です。
The story begins with Kathy, a carer,talking about looking after donors. She often reminisces about her time spent at Hailsham which is a fictional boarding school in England...
I was touched by this story, and for the first time, I've checked the author "Kazuo Ishiguro".

毎年誕生日を祝ってくれる3人の妹達。2006年TBSの生放送で出会い、あれからもう10年も経つのですね。毎年パーティーの号令をかけてくれる暁弓さんはこの間に、韓国にも留学して、今では韓国に関する番組や翻訳も担当するディレクターに。直子さんはこの冬、ニューヨークで刺激を受けて帰ってきたようで、キラキラした笑顔で迎えてくれました。千歳さんは私の従兄弟と結婚し、臨月の身体で参加。ノンアルコールドリンクで乾杯しました! 毎回違ったお店を選択して下さるのですが、今回初めて伺った「ライラ」はとても美味しく、心のこもった料理の数々。最後はオーナーシェフ成清毅さんと、笑顔の素敵な女性スタッフがタクシーの所まで送って下さり、感動しました。
They are my precious friends, almost like my real sisters. From your left, Ayumi Shimase, a TV director especially good at Korean. Chitose Tateno is married to my cousin and 9 months pregnant. me, Naoko Uematsu,she is also a TV director with sunshine smile! They celebrate my birthday almost every year at good French restaurant. This year, at "Lyla". All the dishes were delicious and artistic. So it was fun to eat and dine. Especially, the birthday cake was so sensitive and delicious like I've never tasted before. With a good smell herb tea. If you are looking for good French restaurant to dine near Akasaka area, check out "Lyla"

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