Nona's room
2025/02/23 (Sun)
2015/05/14 (Thu)
丸山薫さん、抗癌剤治療を乗り越えこの笑顔!!" Go Laugh Away Cancer!!"
リスペクトしている友人の一人です。生放送の情報番組で毎週ご一緒していましたが、今年に入って入院された事を知り、陰ながら応援していました。三回目の治療を乗り越えた事を聞き、ホッとしたのも束の間!送られてきたのが、この you-tube 映像でした。ご覧下さい!
This is Kaori Maruyama who struggled with cancer and got over chemotherapy three times this year. She is a TV director and I've met her through the live TV show in 2012. She is always full of energy and has a positive attitude. Although she was diagnosed with cancer, she welcomes me with a big smile whenever I visited her in the hospital. This you-tube that she made is for all the cancer patients out there struggling with anxiety. Don't be afraid, just get over with BIG SMILE!!