Nona's room
2025/03/30 (Sun)
2013/08/09 (Fri)
新曲『ホライズン』Check out nona's new single "Horizon" on iTunes!
7年振りに音楽活動を再開。98年、国内でソロアルバムをリリース。2006年にイタリアのイルマレコードからの海外リリースが決まる迄、紆余曲折がありました。でもどんな時も、淡々とgood soundを追求し、新しい音の構築に取り組みながら、nonaのサウンドを創り続けてくれたサウンドクリエイターT-waiには心から感謝しています。2009年からレコーディングに参加。今回iTunes配信に至る迄、A&Rにまつわる全てを担当してくれたmuntan。この二人の存在があって、初めて音楽ユニットnonaが再始動できました。
I've started playing piano when I was four and grew up listening to good music inspired by my parents.My dream was to be a classical concert pianist,so from 4 to 18,including my Edgemont high school years in NY,I was practicing for about 4 hours to 7 hours a day.But after I've got tenosynovitis,I gave up my dream to be a pianist.But my love for the music never died inside of me,so after I've changed my way to a radio dj and a TV&CM narrator,I've started to sing and write songs.Soon after I've got a chance to release my solo album in 1998,I've met T-wai who is a keybordist and singer-songwriter himself.But during those years,he went to London and inspired by electro music,and started to create his own sound which I love.T-wai started to produce nona's sound from 1999.In 2009,my music colleague,muntan joined as A&R,and he arranged to release nona's sound on iTunes.So nona is 3piece unit,including myself,nona,singer,songwriter,T-wai,sound producing,muntan,A&R. We want to send you a relaxing and healing sound with a little bit of classical flavor,and a bit of electro on it.This new single"Horizon"is a medium ballad with a "Bach" flavor.Hope you will enjoy it.