Nona's room
2025/02/25 (Tue)
2013/03/09 (Sat)
『ライフオブパイ』を観て~Life is short,but wonderful!
A Splendid film"Life of pi"deirected by Ang Lee.Based on the story written by Yann Martel.Mantel's Life of Pi follows the story of a sixteen year-old Indian boy whose desire to find deeper meaning leads him to simultaneously embrace three different religions.Pi trying to be a good HIndu,Christian,and Muslim all at the same time.Pi's faith is put to its greatest test when he is stranded aboard a lifeboat in the middle of the pacific,after the cargo ship that was supposed to take him to Canada sinks.He survives 227 days after a shipwreck while stranded on a boat in the Pacific Ocean with a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker.Suraj Aharma who played Pi was excellent and perfect for this role.