Nona's room
2025/01/23 (Thu)
2016/11/22 (Tue)
磯部弘の語りで導かれた星野道夫の世界〜Hoshino's Alaska recited by Hiroshi Isobe
磯部さんの舞台は毎回伺うようにしていますが、今回は感動しました。以前から我が家にいらっしゃる度に語られていた「星野道夫」さんの世界。「素晴らしい写真家がいるんだよ!」とは聞いていましたが、その世界観を朗読と映像でどう伝えるのか? 今日は彼の写真も殆ど観た事がない中、真っ白な気持ちで伺いました。ゆっくりと引き込まれた80分。人間、星野道夫を感じ、今回のタイトルでもある「悠久の自然」を感じる事が出来た時間でした。残った言葉があります。「自分の持ち時間が本当に限られていると知らされた時、君ならどうする?」。ナレーターであり、役者でもある磯部弘だからこそ伝えられた世界観。星野道夫さんが天国で微笑んでいらっしゃる気がしました。
Michio Hoshino was born in 1952, originally from Chiba prefecture. A Japanese nature photographer, specialized in photographing Alaskan wildlife until he was killed by a brown bear while on assignment in Russia on August 8, 1996.A memorial totem pole was raised in Stika,Alaska,on August 8, 2008. His interest for Alaska began at the age of 19, when he bought a photo book showing the village of Shishmaref. He sent a letter to the village's mayor,who replied 6months later inviting him to visit. From this scene, today's recital began.Hiroshi Isobe, an actor and a narrator was really inspired by Hoshino's pictures and his essays.When he first saw Hoshino's pictures was way back in 1997 at Olympus gallery .And again in 2012, he once had a chance to go to Hoshino's exhibition at Fuji film square,and finally, he determined to bring Hoshino's world to many people out there through his own narration by reciting Hoshino's essay and showing his pictures.