Nona's room
2025/01/23 (Thu)
2018/01/23 (Tue)
初めてのウエディングドレス〜My first wedding dress by Pele Mele
初めてのウエディングドレス体験でした! 卒業演奏会に母のウエディングドレスを着て以来、親族だけの結婚式では白いパンツスーツを着用。当時はウエディングドレスに憧れはなかったのですが、やはり着てみたいな〜という想いが募り、今日願いが叶いました。
This is my first wedding dress shoot with Taro (hair-make up artist) and a photographer ,Tomokazu Yokoyama. We first got married in 1995, and re-married in 2008. So it's going to be 10th anniversary of our second marriage. But I've never worn a wedding dress before, so in a way, it was my dream wearing them. Today, my dream came true with a dress by Akiko in Paradise.!